Class RuleElement


Represents an element of a Rule or RuleContext.

Represents an element of a Rule or RuleContext.

  • abstract:

Located in /Ruleelement.php (line 13)

Direct descendents
Class Description
Operator Represents a Boolean operator or a quantifier operator.
Proposition Represents a Proposition in formal logic, a statement with at truth value.
Variable A symbol that represents a value.
Variable Summary
string $name
Method Summary
RuleElement __construct ( $name)
RuleElement RuleElement ( $name)
string getType ()
string toString ()
string $name (line 19)

The name of the RuleElement.

The name of the RuleElement.

  • access: public
Constructor __construct (line 31)

Constructor initializes $name.

Constructor initializes $name.

  • access: public
RuleElement __construct ( $name)
  • $name

Redefined in descendants as:
Constructor RuleElement (line 24)

Constructor initializes $name.

Constructor initializes $name.

  • access: public
RuleElement RuleElement ( $name)
  • $name
getType (line 39)

Returns the type of RuleElement.

Returns the type of RuleElement.

  • access: public
string getType ()

Redefined in descendants as:
toString (line 45)

Returns the name of the RuleElement.

Returns the name of the RuleElement.

  • access: public
string toString ()

Redefined in descendants as:

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